A Fast Literature Search Engine based on top-quality journals, by Dr. Mingze Gao.

  • Topic classification is ongoing.
  • Please kindly let me know [mingze.gao@mq.edu.au] in case of any errors.

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  • We analyze the implications of priority service (PS) on customers? welfare. In monopoly markets, PS can often decrease consumer surplus and can even yield a loss of welfare to all consumers. This happens despite its efficiency gains, as monopolists levy in revenue more than the total efficiency gains. PS can increase consumer surplus if it expands the consumption coverage?that is, if it introduces new customers who would not purchase the service otherwise. In duopoly markets, the price competition over PS can be severely eroded. Under homogeneity, firms act as if they were monopolists serving half of the market.

  • We derive the symmetric, revenue-maximizing allocation of several units among agents who take costly actions that influence their values. The problem is equivalent to a reduced-form model where agents have nonexpected utility. The uniform-price auction and the discriminatory pay-your-bid auction with reserve prices that react to both demand and supply constitute symmetric, optimal mechanisms. We also identify a condition under which the overall optimal mechanism is indeed symmetric and illustrate the structure of the optimal asymmetric mechanism when the condition fails. The main tool in our analysis is an integral inequality based on Fan and Lorentz (1954).

Last update from database: 7/26/24, 11:00 PM (AEST)